
The appearance of these wounds is well-known; however, certain cuts such as those that are deep and wide may require immediate attention by a doctor to prevent scarring. If the bleeding does not stop using the following methods, or if blood gushes in bright spurts, you should seek medical attention immediately.


A spot rubbed bare of skin or mucous membrane. These are wounds to the skin common in childhood. A cut severs the skin, such as is inflicted by a sharp object; an abrasion rubs and/or scratches the surface, such as the common scraped knee; and a bruise results from forceful pressure against some object, where the skin is not broken so the blood rushes to the damaged tissue beneath the surface.

Herbal Aids

Wheat Grass Chlorophyll: It has both healing and antiseptic characteristics. The chlorophyll is applied either directly onto the afflicted surface, or, it is soaked in a cloth and bandaged to the area. At the same time, the chlorophyll should be taken internally.

Comfrey: Most skin sores can be aided by the use of comfrey. Use three parts comfrey with one part lobelia to relieve pain and restore the skin.

Comfrey: If a doctor is not available, apply fresh or dry comfrey root, powder or leaf, powdered, to help stop the bleeding. The comfrey can be put right into the wound; if it is powdered, pour over the area, if fresh, tear up finely and apply. Fresh or dried comfrey can be applied directly over the damaged area--just keep adding additional amounts as needed. Cover with gauze, bandage lightly to hold comfrey in place and so the area can breathe. Comfrey paste can also be applied directly over the damaged area as with burns.

Healing Ointment: Made of comfrey, marshmallow, marigold, beeswax, and oils, this is an antiseptic that has been used historically on lesions, eczema (dry), poison ivy, soothes inflamed surfaces, abrasions, burns, hemorrhoids, for bruises and swellings. May be used whenever needed. Good to have on hand at all times.

Myrrh: One herbalist has a favorite application of Myrrh. He combines equal parts of finely powdered golden seal and powdered Myrrh gum. He mixes a pinch of the combination with a little saliva (or water, he says, if you are squeamish), and applies the paste to cuts, sores, pimples, abrasions--any kind of skin wounds. As this dries, it forms a crusty, protective scab over the wound, just like a real scab, but with the additional antiseptic and healing properties of the herbs. He says that he has been able to wean himself from the constant use of band-aids.

Plantain: (Plantago major) This entire plant is solvent in water or can be used directly on the external area in question and is an alterative astringent, diuretic and antiseptic. When applying bruised leaves to the wounded area, it is known to check external bleeding and aid as an anti-infectious aid as well.

Cayenne Pepper: The old herbalists claimed that cayenne pepper (Capsicum or red pepper) should be poured directly into a fresh wound, to sterilize and stop the bleeding.

Cayenne: A wound, external or internal, may stop bleeding if the individual will drink a cup of water (preferably hot) with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper (red pepper) stirred into it. The bleeding may generally stop by the time a person can count up to ten after drinking the cayenne tea. The cayenne equalizes the blood pressure from the top of the head to the feet. This keeps the pressure from the hemorrhage area so it will clot naturally, which it cannot do with heavy blood pressure pumping the blood rapidly at the hemorrhage area.

"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"