"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"


Blessed Thistle has a long and glorious history in herbal medicine.  Its history dates back to the Greek and Roman times.  It was one of the best known and widely used herbs of the middle ages.  Bruno Vonarburg describes the history of Blessed Thistle, “Old folk beliefs states that thistles protect against irritations, restlessness, evil spirits, and witches.  It is also known for restlessness and was the witch’s herb. The ancient Greeks and Romans used thistles to lite curses, the same as nettles and thorns.  People recognized thistles as the seed of evil that grew on graves.  Special thorn Gods, from the Greeks such as Hercules, from the Roman Deus, one brought offerings, to protect the fields from thorns and thistles.  In the middle ages a healing calendar was chosen to remove thorns from the ground and remove reeds from the ponds.”   He further states that Martin Luther, a supporter of natural medicine, praised Blessed Thistle for its ability as a tea to soothe pains of the sides and left him symptom free for years.  Martin Luther was one of the founders of the religious reformation.  The people of that time used herbs from their doctors as well as the common folk.  Traditional uses of Blessed Thistle abound and are more fully described in the medicinal uses section of this paper.


It seems that Blessed Thistle has been used, Traditionally in most countries, including England, Russia, China, and Africa, bitters are used to strengthen and tonify the body.”


Jacobus Theodorus Tabernaemontanus of the renaissance was a great compiler of works of much old authors and his Kraeuterbuch (herb book), was one of the most in depth and inclusive of all the herbals.  The following is his historical description of Blessed Thistle: “…this herb is especially good against the pestilence and all other poisonous weaknesses.
by David Card
[Table of Contents] [History] [Location] [Chemical Constituents] [Medicinal Qualities] [Contra-Indications]
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