Fluoridated Cities & States
Largest Fluoridated Cities

Forty-two of the fifty largest cities in the U.S. are supplied with fluoridated water.
Two cities (Jacksonville, Florida, and El Paso, Texas) are naturally fluoridated.
*Los Angeles, California, plans to implement fluoridation in early 1999.
Information current as of November 1998.
State Fluoridation Status

States with 75% of the population served by fluoridated community water supplies.*
*Data compiled by the American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Division of Oral Health.
Current as of November 1998.
Fluoridation Statistics 2002:
Status of Water Fluoridation by State

Percentage of state populations on public water systems receiving fluoridated water and state rank

Data Source: 2002 Water Fluoridation Reporting System (WFRS)
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By State Rank



United States   65.8   
DC 100.0   
Kentucky   99.6 1
Illinois 99.1 2
Minnesota 98.4 3
Tennessee 96.0 4
North Dakota 95.6 5
Indiana 95.5 6
Virginia 93.8 7
Maryland 93.7 8
Georgia 93.0 9
West Virginia 91.5 10
South Carolina 91.4 11
Iowa 91.3 11
Ohio 90.6 13
Wisconsin 89.4 14
Rhode Island 89.2 15
Connecticut 87.6 16
Michigan 86.2 17
North Carolina 84.6 18
Alabama 82.0 19
Delaware 80.9 20
Missouri   80.9  21
South Dakota 78.0 22
New Mexico 76.6 23
Colorado 75.4 24
Oklahoma 74.6 25
Maine 74.4 26
New York 72.9 27
Nebraska 69.5 28
Nevada 69.4 29
Florida 67.4 30
Texas 65.7 31
Arkansas 62.1 32
Kansas 62.1 33
Massachusetts 60.7 34
Washington 58.9 35
Alaska 57.3 36
Vermont 55.7 37
Arizona 55.4 38
Pennsylvania 54.0 38
Idaho 47.5 40
Mississippi 46.1 41
Louisiana 45.9 42
New Hampshire 42.7 43
Wyoming 36.7 44
California 27.6 45
Montana 23.8 46
New Jersey 20.8 47
Oregon 19.4 48
Hawaii 8.6 49
Utah 2.2 50

Alphabetical by State

Location Percent


United States   65.8   
Alabama 82.0 19
Alaska 57.3 36
Arizona 55.4 38
Arkansas 62.1 32
California 27.6 45
Colorado 75.4 24
Connecticut 87.6 16
DC 100.0   
Delaware   80.9  20
Florida 67.4 30
Georgia 93.0 9
Hawaii 8.6 49
Idaho 47.5 40
Illinois 99.1 2
Indiana 95.5 6
Iowa   91.3  11
Kansas 62.1 33
Kentucky 99.6 1
Louisiana 45.9 42
Maine 74.4 26
Maryland 93.7 8
Massachusetts 60.7 34
Michigan 86.2 17
Minnesota 98.4 3
Mississippi 46.1 41
Missouri 80.9 21
Montana 23.8 46
Nebraska 69.5 28
Nevada 69.4 29
New Hampshire 42.7 43
New Jersey 20.8 47
New Mexico 76.6 23
New York 72.9 27
North Carolina 84.6 18
North Dakota 95.6 5
Ohio 90.6 13
Oklahoma 74.6 25
Oregon 19.4 48
Pennsylvania 54.0 38
Rhode Island 89.2 15
South Carolina 91.4 11
South Dakota 78.0 22
Tennessee 96.0 4
Texas   65.7  31
Utah 2.2 50
Vermont 55.7 37
Virginia 93.8 7
Washington 58.9 35
West Virginia 91.5 10
Wisconsin 89.4 14
Wyoming 36.7 44

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