This page was prepared by the Citizens for Safe Drinking Water - Utah and provides the names and contact information for some knowledgeable professionals.

J. William Hirzy, Ph.D. is a Senior Scientist in the Existing Chemicals Assessment Branch, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics/Office of Toxic Substances, at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters in Washington, DC.
He earned his B.S. in Chemistry in 1958, and his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry in 1962, at the University of Missouri.
He is currently Professor of Chemistry at the American University in Washington. D.C.
Phone (cell): 202-285-0498
[email protected]

David Kennedy, DDS for over 20 years has been a member of the American Dental Association (ADA), the California Dental Association (CDA) and the San Diego County Dental Society (SDCDS). For three years he was elected to the SDCDS Board of Directors, participating in numerous committees - including Senior Care, Speakers Bureau, Political Action Committee, and the Council on Dental Care. In 1974, Dr. Kennedy planned and built the Chicano Children's Dental Health Clinic in San Diego. He is a Past President of International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, the author of a book on preventive dental health entitled How to Save Your Teeth, and a nationally and internationally recognized lecturer on toxicology and restorative dentistry.
Office: 619-231-1624 (Monday -Wednesday)

Joseph Lynn Lyon, MD has been a professor of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of Utah since 1971. Dr. Lyon received his B.S. and M.S. Degrees from the University of Utah and in 1969 graduated from Harvard University.
Office: 801-581-7234

Hardy Limeback, B. Sc., Ph.D. in Biochemistry, DDS started his career as a basic scientist (MRC Scholar) studying tooth development and pig enamel protein biochemistry. His clinical interests in practice and research have been in geriatric dentistry (Chief of Dental Services for the Metropolitan Homes for the Aged) and preventive dentistry (University clinic and private practice). He currently holds an MRC grant to study the effects of fluoride on tooth and bone development. Dr. Limeback has only recently started to publish in the area of dental and skeletal fluorosis. He is the fluoride-biochemistry expert serving as a member of the Canadian Dental Association's Consumer Products Recognition Committee. Dr. Limeback is currently the head of the Preventive Dentistry department and own his own dental office.
Office: 416-979-4929 ext 4461

Prepared by:
Citizens for Safe Drinking Water - Utah
P.O. Box 443
Lehi, Utah 84043

Phone: (801) 766-8825
Fax: (801) 766-8826
[email protected]

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