
An injury to the tendons, muscles, or ligaments around a joint, marked by swelling and pain.

Herbal Aids:

Wormwood: Apply fomentation of the herb; or, use the oil as a liniment. [SNH p.108]

Tansy: Bruise and apply the green leaves, or use the herb preparation as a fomentation, wash, etc. [SNH p.124]

Balm of Gilead: Use the ointment (see "Formulas"); for skin diseases, burns, wounds, etc. apply on lint and bandage. [SNH p.202] Balm of Gilead ointment: See formula using Balm of Gilead, castor oil, eucalyptol and anhydrous lanolin. [SNH p.203]

Comfrey: Apply a comfrey poultice of the fresh, bruised leaves. It relieves pain in an hour. [SNH p.310]

Comfrey Paste: See formula using comfrey leaves, lobelia, honey and wheat germ oil. [SNH p.313]

See formula using marshmallow root or leaves and camomile flowers. [SNH p.331]

Liniment for Sprains: See formula using cayenne and apple cider vinegar. Apply over the area where needed without too much massage. [SNH p.410]

Another Liniment for Sprains: See formula using cayenne, lobelia, oil of wormwood, oil of rosemary and oil of spearmint. [SNH p.411]

See formula using myrrh, cayenne and echinacea. [SNH p.456]

Liniments: Massaging oils, tinctures, and teas on the skin are very beneficial. This may be done anywhere on the external tissue, but where rapid absorption is critical, an accentuating aid must be added. Massage the preparation in thoroughly and see that very little medicinal agent is left on the skin surface, but rubbed well into the skin and flesh itself. Liniments are excellent for sore muscles and sprains, and often lobelia is used here in combination with other herbal preparations, to ease the pain. [SNH p.500]

Dr. Christopher's Bone, Flesh and Cartilage: Soak the ankle in a hot foot bath. You can add some fresh, hot comfrey or BF & C tea to the bath if you have it. Alternate soaking the sprain in ice cold water. Drink lots of comfrey in tea or green drink. Apply a fomentation of BF & C and wrap it securely around the sprain. Use a combination of BF & C ointment and Professor Cayenne's Heating Balm. Take it easy until the pain eases. [EWH p.166]

Elder: The leaves are universally recommended for making salves and oils and ointments for wounds, burns, sunburn, bruises, contusions, sprains, and rashes. To make Elder leaf ointment, crush 4 ounces of Elder leaves, add to 6 ounces of melted lard, and place in a moderate oven. Stir frequently until the leaves are crisp and have lost their color. Strain through muslin and press, then add 2 teaspoonfuls of Eucalyptol, stirring it in thoroughly. Pour into jars and cool. [UW-Elder]

Onion: A finely-chopped onion mixed with sugar is spread on a cloth to treat sprains. [UW-Onion]

Wormwood: The herb is often used externally, mostly in the form of an oil, although the fomentation is sometimes used in rheumatism, swelling and sprains. The oil is rubbed on sprains, rheumatism, lumbago, etc. It can also help relieve the pains of neuralgia and arthritis but must never be taken internally, as it is a strong poison. [UW-Wormwood]

Cayenne Ointment: (Red Sun Balm) This ointment can bring temporary relief to internal pains of arthritis, stiff neck, muscle soreness, sprains, bruises and other aches. It can be applied to the chest during respiratory ailments to ease pain and help breathing. The heat generated by the capsicum increases circulation to the area and facilitates healing. [NL 4-5]

Cabbage Leaves: Tie three or four thicknesses of cabbage leaves around the sprained area and leave on over night. Next time you see the lowly cabbage plant consider that over the centuries many people have derived much relief from physical ailments through using it. [NL 4-12]

Flaxseed Poultice is probably one of the most famous applications of the herb. The ground seed is mixed with boiling water until it is a thick mush. Other herbs may be added to it for specific conditions, such as hops, mullein, etc. This is one of the best poultices, according to Kloss, for old sores, boils, carbuncles, inflammations, and tumors. It is an excellentherbal aid for enlarged glands, joints, swellings, pneumonia, pleurisy, sprains, bruises, contusions, or inflammations of any part of the body, according to Dr. Shook (ShoA: 182). Apply as hot as possible; cover with waxed paper or plastic, and keep warm, reapplying hot poultices as needed. It helps allay irritation and pain and promotes suppuration; lobelia will help assist the body with boils. It is commonly used for abscesses and other local affections (Gri:319). [NL 7-2]

Dr. Christopher's Program for Bruises/Sprains/Tendonitis

Herbal Combinations:

* Complete Tissue & Bone
* Complete Tissue & Bone Ointment
* Herbal Calcium Formula
* Deep Heating Balm


Complete Tissue & Bone; take 2 capsules three times a day.

Complete Tissue & Bone Fomentation; apply the fomentation to the effected area.

Complete Tissue & Bone Salve; apply salve to the effected area generously (use during the day instead of a fomentation).

Herbal Calcium; take 2-3 capsules between meals.

Herbal Calcium extract; take 15 drops between meals.

Deep Heating Balm; rub in affected area as much as needed.

Single Herbs:

Comfrey Root or Leaf, Dandelion Root, Alfalfa Leaves, Kelp, Cayenne, Horsetail Grass.


Take Vitalerbs, eat carrots, apricots, spinach, drink rose hip tea. Avoid protein and starches.

See Also:

Cayenne: Dr. Christopher's many Cayenne Combinations
Cayenne Deep Heating Balm
Complete Tissue & Bone: Dr. Christopher's Bone, Flesh and Cartilage Formula
Complete Tissue & Bone Salve
Herbal Calcium Formula

"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"