
Anemia is a deficiency in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin or both. [HHH p.33]


The condition is marked by varying degrees of pallor and palpitation. [HHH p.33]


When we have a good bloodstream we have a good, healthy life. It would be wise to take time to learn the principles of building good blood in the body. One of our teachers, Dr. Edward E. Shook at the Los Angeles Herbal Institute (closed at this writing), gives a fine explanation of the cause of anemia as follows:

Carbon dioxide and other waste gases are re-absorbed into the life-giving oxygen. Everyone knows that two atoms of oxygen unite with one atom of carbon to form dioxide. But when there is insufficient oxygen, only one atom unites with carbon, to produce carbon-monoxide, and that is where most of our trouble begins--anemia, low blood pressure, or where there is an abundance of calcium, high blood pressure; because calcium thickens the blood. It requires a great deal more pressure to pump thick blood than it does to pump thin blood; and please make special note, that all this is brought about because there is not sufficient iron in the blood, to carry enough oxygen to the cells, to enable them to breathe, and throw off their waste products. New cells are not produced fast enough to replace the decaying and dead ones. Pus is formed only when cells decay. Therefore, it requires no great stretch of the imagination to see how vitally necessary it is to have enough iron in the blood stream to convey sufficient oxygen to all parts.

Nearly every food we eat, or a large percentage of it, contains iron and oxygen. Wheat and most of the grains and cereals (in their whole state) contain iron in the form of iron phosphate, as do many vegetables, such as beets, turnips, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, celery, carrots, squash, parsley, mustard greens, dandelion leaves, watercress, etc., but our principal source of organic iron and oxygen is the fruit. The apple is loaded with these two elements, particularly the winesap. All berries, plums, prunes, grapes, raisins, dates, figs, cherries, etc., contain organic iron in abundance, and the citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, limes, etc., are principally composed of citric acid, which is one third oxygen. [HHH p.33]

Herbal Aids:

See Anemia formula #1 using sarsaparilla, yellow dock, yellow parilla and sassafras: [SNH p.95]

See Anemia formula # 2 using yellow dock, buckbean and comfrey: [SNH p.95]

Comfrey: Another great aid in anemia is comfrey. This herb can be used in the form of comfrey tea, tablets, capsules, in salads and in comfrey green drink. Make the green drink by blending into apple juice (or some pleasant-tasting vegetable juice, such as fresh carrot), comfrey, marshmallow root (mallow), parsley, spinach, and other greens. Sweeten with honey and use a cup morning and night (children in proportion). The use of grapes, grape juice and raisins in an abundance is excellent in rebuilding an iron-deficient bloodstream. Each mouthful of the juice should be "chewed" thoroughly (swished in the mouth) and mixed well with saliva before swallowing. [HHH p.34]

See formula for anemia using comfrey and garlic. [SNH p.310]

Barberry Berries: This is one of nature's greatest and most valuable medicinal herbs and is a famous Indian remedy. It is probably unequaled as a corrector of river secretions (causes the bile to flow more freely), and it helps expel and remove morbid, waste matter from the stomach and bowels. It is an excellent tonic for delicate and weakly people (particularly good for delicate and weak children), building from anemia and general malnutrition to complete recovery in just a few weeks. [SNH p.429] See formula for barberry tea. [HHH p.33]

See formula for anemia using European centuary, thyme, horehound and hyssop. [SNH p.449]

General Instructions: Whenever the child or adult has anemia, which is a deficiency of blood in quantity as well as quality, the overall treatment should be sunshine, fresh air (plus deep breathing), and a well balanced diet including a quantity of fresh, green vegetables and the daily use of good tonics, as listed here. [HHH p.35]

Pregnancy Anemia: Anemia may be caused by iron deficiency or other problems. Iron supplements are commonly given to expectant mothers, yet these are usually made of ferrous sulphate and cannot be utilized by the body. Being inorganic, they are absorbed but not assimilated and can cause problems in the system. In addition, they destroy vitamin E that may be taken at the same time. You can build up the iron in your system by taking yellow dock or the Yellow Dock Combination. Some midwives say that yellow dock alone doesn't help for very long; its effect sometimes wears off. I have had excellent results combining yellow dock root and dandelion root; dandelion contains an excellent spectrum of minerals that enhance the 40% iron content of the yellow dock. Some good iron-containing foods include apricots, sunflower seeds, black molasses, raisins, prunes, brewer's yeast, kelp, egg yolk, grains, beets and their greens, turnip greens, dulse, and walnuts. If you do not respond to the dietary additions here, suspect folic acid anemia. Many pregnant women are woefully under-supplied with folic acid, and although you can get a prescription for folic acid supplements, this fragmented source may not be well absorbed by your body. Better to obtain this important nutrient in foods; some important sources are whole grains, leafy greens, watercress, parsley, chicory, dandelion, amaranth, and lambs quarters. Some of these can be taken in the green drink; lambs quarters is especially valuable, as it also contains a large amount of vitamin A, which helps prevent infections. [EWH p.40]

Aloe Vera: Other interesting claims for Aloe Vera include curing anemia. [UW-Aloe Vera]

Onions: You should be careful about overeating onions, however. Research has shown that anemia can be induced by doing so. A group of volunteer medical students consumed over two pounds of cooked onions every day for five days in addition to their regular diet. At the end of this period all showed symptoms of anemia, which was confirmed by laboratory examination. Within one week after ending this binge, all experimenters successfully recovered. Similar experiments with animals have produced the same results (Luc:45). [UW-Onion]

Juices: Kulvinskas also cites several sources who have had success in reversing pernicious anemia through the use of juices high in chlorophyll. He suggests that vegetarians can more than meet their requirement of B-12 by ingesting several cups of sprouts a day. [NL 2-12]

Chaparral for Copper Deficiency: A copper deficiency manifests as general weakness, slow healing, greying hair, loss of hair, low blood pressure, disorders of the liver and gall bladder, splenic weakness, acne, eczema, anemia. Chaparral can help this. [NL 3-4]

Juices for Anemia: Carrot & spinach, celery & parsley, beet, fig. [NL 3-5]
See formula for use by pregnant women. [NL 3-8]

Cabbage: This has been found to be of infinite value for pregnant women, and for patients with anemia. [NL 4-12] Drink one or two glasses of cabbage juice daily. [NL 4-12]

Apricot: The Apricot, perhaps because of its high iron and other mineral content, is helpful in cases of anemia. [NL 5-1]

Dandelion: Kloss claimed that Dandelion is extremely high in nutritive salts which purify the blood and destroy the acids in the blood. He said that "anemia is caused by the deficiency of nutritive salts in the blood and really has nothing to do with the quantity of good blood. Dandelion contains these nutritive salts" (Kloss:237) [NL 6-11]


Herbal Formulas Aid Health in Family: I have gotten the Healthview Newsletter, and am amazed at the results that I've gotten from the MP formula, the red raspberry leaves capsules for my 14-year-old grand daughters, and the Yellow Dock root for my daughter's anemia. My husband has been blind for 22 years from the wrong use of medications. We both use the eyebright eyewash daily. I have found that my sinus problems have completely disappeared, my eyes are brighter and have found that night time driving is much easier because of improved vision. [NL 4-12]

See Also:

Yellow Dock Combination: Dr. Christopher's Yellow Dock Combination

"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"