"Natural Healing with Herbs for a Healthier You"

There are a few contra-indications of Elder, which means there are some parts that have to be used with care. The stems, roots, leaves, and unripe berries of Elder can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and general stomach upset. Some people can experience even worse discomforts and serious problems, even poisoning may result when the fresh plant is used. Elder berries, bark and leaves contain hydrocyanic acid. This is a compound that may lead to mild cyanide poisoning if consumed in to large of quantities. The leaves and bark contain the highest concentrations. The ripe berries need to be cooked completely and the seeds strained out. This alleviates the problem.

Elder is not recommended for people with known food allergies because these people would be more likely to be allergic to it then people with no food allergies. The leaves can sometimes cause a reaction to sensitive skin.

The red species of Elder are more toxic than the blue species and this is why only the blooms and cooked, strained berry pulp is used.

The Elder trees and bushes in the United States have more hydrocyanic acid and sambucine, the nauseating alkaloid found in the bark and roots as well as the fresh plant, then the Elder species in Europe.

Dr. Kenneth Lampe author of the AMA handbook of poisonous, injurious plants says, " The danger comes mainly from the roots, stems and leaves (children got sick from playing with Elder whistles or blowguns,) ripe cooked berries are harmless as anyone who lives Elder berry jelly and pie knows. The flowers are probably nontoxic and that limited amounts of raw fruit are generally considered to have no adverse effect."

When the plant parts are dried correctly and the berries are thoroughly cooked and strained there is usually not a problem-using Elder as the old herbalists knew, but use it with knowledge and awareness, paying attention to the reaction of the person whom is taking it. Watch the amount given until you see there is not going to be a reaction of and kind. Everyone is very different so Elder could effect some people in ways that it may not effect others.
[Table of Contents] [History] [Location] [Chemical Constituents] [Medicinal Qualities] [Contra-Indications]
[Known Herbal Formulas] [Dosages & Applications] [Personal Experiences] [Bibliography]
by Carol Bond